Anna-Kate is SEVEN!


Anna-Kate, You are SEVEN! (Past milestones here:)

Six and a Half


 Five and a HALF! 


Four and a HALF


 three and a HALF.

What a hoot you are.  You never stop talking. Ever. You talk to anyone, everyone and no one. You are not shy in the least and make friends everywhere. You are quick witted and hilarious. 

Your confidence soars.  You always feel like you look great, think you have great things to say and you know your worth. You're very affectionate and encouraging with your words.  

What you don't like to do...chores.  You will do anything and everything to be served. 

You enjoy doing school, being artistic and being with friends. You love animals, play mobil and legos. 

You love to wake late and stay in bed and read.  You also ask for an afternoon snack and go disappear with a book.  

Your fave foods are soups, eggs and colorful foods (you eat your fruits and veggies) and homemade popsicles. You could do without beans (black beans, kidney beans, pinto beans....but you do like green beans). 

Your birthday menu is breakfast for dinner.  We will feast and celebrate you, our seven year old. 

So thankful we have you, our 'one more'.  I thank you for your flexibility and being so go with the flow. Love you oodles! 

Love, Mama

Play Ball

They've never really been into sports, but here they are, trying new things this spring.  Thankful for the homeschool sports network.  Adrian said, "I thought I'd feel dumb not playing before, but it's all very encouraging."  Thankful. 

Field trip

 We had a behind the scenes tour of Hannafords.  Epic field trip. 

A good day

Yesterday was a near perfect day.  I got to go to coffee with some friends.  I packed up Stanley with baked potatoes and we had that for lunch.  I then went for a coastal walk with a friend and we had good laughs and found lots of sea glass.  Then I poked around 2 thrift shops alone (only bought one book), all while Justin was getting chicks with the kids.  A 10/10 day! 


Maine in April

 It's that time of year we cannot get enough of the beaches.  It's a marvelous time when the temps warm, but the tourists aren't yet here. The coastal pics will just keep coming...

Stanley loves the extra adventures, too.

Good days

There's a buoy that has dislodged and is on shore now in our town.  A bunch of friends were going, but our car was in the shop. Thankful for kind friends who picked us up and brought us along. 

Audra was there too, but too busy with friends. I love how Anna-Kate pulled a live clam apart to go and try to feed the seagulls. 

Also thankful for friends who love Stanley the camp crock just as much as me, tolerate my duck identification fun and don't mind that I brought my watercolors to paint a scene as we enjoy the day.

Tide Pooling

 The kids are taking a 5 week Tide Pooling class and we went to the Portland area for a field day with a couple Marine Biologists.  I loved it, they did too. We also did seine netting, which I have never done before. It yielded a few things I hadn't seen before. 


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