The price of a small was more than a pint, so I bought pints and Adrian used his pocket knife to cut them in half for servings.
Had a good time with my little Herd.
These two completed the "Stop the Bleed" program and Audra updated our vehicle first aid kits with the supplies she obtained from this program. They both said if there was some sort of event that help was needed, they would feel confident stepping in to help. Hopefully skills they never will need, but I'm glad they are learning.
My husband surprised us all by taking over a night of reading aloud. I can't think of a more delightful surprise, for all of us.
We had a day collecting macroplastics and filtering ocean water for microplastics in the lab. We thought they were just watching, but it was definitely hands on for them too. Such an interesting day! A great experience and very eye opening.
An empty, freshly zambonied ice rink was a delightful surprise. It's been a difficult week, a nice reprieve.
We are heavily involved with our local cat rescue. We've been involved with the thrift store to benefit it for some time, specifically some working in the shop and providing cost free storage for seasonal items. This fall we started fostering. We also go to the shelter on delivery days to unload supplies and other days to clean, clean, clean. Adrian is also in charge of taking out the trash. We just got a new job: Preparing the adoption folders. Plus, of course, lots of socializing the kitties. It is a good thing to be tired after a good day of service.